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Stock: Karsbach
Street: Schönauer Weg 30
Post code / City: 97783 Karsbach
Phone: 09358-90990-0
Fax: 09358-90990-66
E-Mail Address: info@osma-werm.com
Amtsgericht Würzburg HRB 8457
Ust.-IdNr. DE 114 195 897


FunctionNamePhoneE-Mail Address
Sales Low-Price Florian Hauck -78 sales@osma-werm.com
Sales Brand Body Care Rainer Mennig -64 brands@osma-werm.com
Appointments/Sales Showroom Sarah Ziegler -60 info@osma-werm.com
Order-in department Sarah Biemüller -67 order@osma-werm.com
Customer Complaint Daniela Krug -68 service@osma-werm.com
Debitors Petra Weiß -72 debitoren@osma-werm.com
Creditors Isolde Unruh -71 kreditoren@osma-werm.com
Advertisment  Tanja Simon -61 werbung@osma-werm.com
Purchasing Andreas Ritschel 069 94216120 andreas.ritschel@osma-werm.com
Purchasing Sandra Eyer 069 94216119 einkauf@osma-werm.com
Executive Assistant Thorsten Simon -74 thorsten.simon@osma-werm.com
Management Frank Werm -62 frank.werm@osma-werm.com
Management Simone Ritschel   simone.ritschel@osma-werm.com
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